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Welcome to Pathways' Resource Library
Click on the link to visit Pathways' Destiny Homepage and Library Catalog: 
Our Library has one library manager and two branches serve the Pathways Community.



The Sonoma Regional Library    


Contact Information:

Gloria Gonzalez

Library Manager


Email: [email protected]

Ph: 707-585-6520, ext 216

707-585-6519 (Direct)


150 Professional Center Drive, Suite D

Santa Rosa, CA 94928



Monday and Thursday

9:00 – 12:00 & 1:00 – 3:00 pm



*At this time, students /families aren't allowed into the Sonoma Regional Library. We will update this page when new information is available.


The Solano-Napa Regional Library


Contact Information:

Gloria Gonzalez

Library Manager


Email: [email protected]

Ph: 707-642-2450, ext 415

707-642-6125 (Direct)


301 Georgia Street, Ste. 112

Vallejo CA, 94590



Tuesday and Wednesday

9:00 – 12:00 & 1:00 – 3:00 pm


Faculty, family, and student hours are by appointment only.



California K-12 Digital Resources

Britannica Online - Galston High School  Escolar

A comprehensive interactive resource for research and learning for grades K-12. Includes correlations to California Content Standards and other valuable teacher resources. Post links directly to each school level, elementary, middle, or high.

Access ID: pathways

Passcode: pcs

If you encounter any technical difficulties, please contact: 800.621.3900 ext.7160 or [email protected]





One-stop resources for books you are reading and teaching, including author and illustrator interviews, lesson plans, vocab lists, book lists, and other enrichment content.

Need help from See our support page. (800) 596-0710 | [email protected]


ProQuest is committed to empowering researchers and librarians around the world.  

CultureGrams SIRS Discover SIRS Issues Researcher elibrary Guided Research Edition elibrary Database Edition ProQuest Central Student ProQuest Research Companion Schools and Educators Complete

* The icons above and main links below work for accessing these resources on your school campus. Students and staff with the district/school's off-campus access name and access codes should use the "Off-Campus Access" links below when using from public libraries or other non-school locations.

To use our products at home, a username and secure password are required to access:

Username – QQFVQ9LX

Password – Pl}93;/F9g

Meet your Library Manager!
Mrs. Gloria Gonzalez
Library appt