Enrollment FAQs

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  1. New families should complete an enrollment interest form: School Enrollment Interest Form.
  2. If space is available in your region, you will receive an email invitation to complete the enrollment process through RegOnline. If you do not see the email in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder. Our staff is available to assist you with the process.
  3. If there is no space available in your region at this time, then you will receive an email indicating that your child's name will be added to our interest list. When space becomes available, we will pull a lottery and will inform you of your child's placement on the waitlist.
  4. Please note: In July, many staff members are on summer break, and it may take a bit longer to process new requests.
Please review the information provided on this page.
If you still have questions about our program or the enrollment process, please contact the Principal for your region. Thank you!
Who Enrolls at Pathways?
Pathways Charter School is a personalized learning program that uses the model of independent study. We serve a broad range of TK-12 students who have a variety of previous educational backgrounds. People learn about Pathways in different ways: families currently enrolled in the school might refer another student or family; some students are referred by homeschooling or charter school organizations; other families looking for a better academic program fit for their students find us through local resources. Please note: We are not a daily site-based program.
Kindergarten Enrollment
Students may enter Kindergarten only if they turn five prior to September 2nd. Students who will have their fifth birthday between September 2, 2024, and June 2, 2025, may elect to enroll in Transitional Kindergarten.
Please note: Pathways does not have an early admission policy; therefore, students may not just enroll in Kindergarten on their fifth birthday. Transitional Kindergarten is an option for students who meet the age requirements, but it is not mandatory.
Transitional Kindergarten Entry Age
AB 130, signed in July 2021, expanded access to this optional program.
  • 2024–25: If the student's fifth birthday falls between September 2 and June 2, they shall be admitted to a transitional kindergarten program.
  • 2025–26 and in each school year thereafter: A child who will have their fourth birthday by September 1st shall be admitted to a transitional kindergarten program maintained by the school district or charter school.
Additional Enrollment Information
Pathways is a public charter school independent study program open to all students in Grades TK-12 living in our service counties (Sonoma, Solano, Napa, and Marin). Pathways does not discriminate and accepts all students (except those who have been expelled), space permitting. We enroll new students throughout the year until we have reached capacity. Our enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis, and each region has its own maximum enrollment based on staffing.
If there is space available and you receive an enrollment invitation, you have one week to complete your enrollment registration online; otherwise, we will drop your student’s name from our pending enrollment list. If you have trouble completing the process in a timely manner, please reach out to the Registrar for assistance. For students placed in a lottery pool, when space does become available, all students in the lottery pool are randomly drawn and placed on a numbered waitlist. We then offer space to students in order from that list. Once your student does have a space in our program, you will be contacted by our office asking if you’d still like to register your child. Finally, once enrollment registration is completed, you will hear from your child’s Independent Study Teacher (IST)* to set an initial planning meeting. Your student’s first day of enrollment at Pathways will be no sooner than the date of that initial meeting. *If enrolling during the spring or summer prior to your intended school year start, then you may not hear from your IST until mid-August; however, regional Principals will be in touch.
Special Education
As a public school, we serve all students. If you have questions about our service delivery model as part of an independent study program, please contact our Student Services Coordinator, Elizabeth Sanchez, at 707-585-6518.
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Immunization Status
With the advent of SB277, many parents have questions about immunizations. Generally, students fall into several categories:
Fully immunized: These students may participate in our program and access all site classes and resources.
Medical waiver: These students may participate in our program and access all site classes and resources.
IEP provision: If students must access classes as indicated in their IEP, then they may do so (regardless of immunization status).
Partially immunized or not immunized but with a valid Personal Belief Exemption: A Personal Belief Exemption (PBE) filed with a school prior to January 1, 2016, is valid until the student's entry into the next grade span (Kindergarten or 7th grade). If a student has already reached 7th grade by the 2015-2016 school year, then that student’s existing PBE is valid until the student graduates from high school. Valid PBEs may be transferred between schools in California. These students may participate in our program and access all site classes and resources.
Partially immunized or not immunized and without a valid PBE: Students who failed to complete the series of required immunizations within the specified time allowed under the law are welcome to participate in our Independent Study program but will not be allowed to attend site classes until the series of immunizations have been completed. However, students will still be able to enter our buildings to meet with their Independent Study Teacher and participate in one-on-one tutoring (or similar individually administered services).
Statement on Timeline for COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements in Schools
“…To ensure sufficient time for successful implementation of new vaccine requirements, California will not initiate the regulatory process for a COVID-19 vaccine requirement for the 2022-2023 school year, and as such, any vaccine requirements would not take effect until after full FDA approval and no sooner than July 1, 2023.
Full statement here.