The implementation date is approaching for SB 277, which removes the personal beliefs exemption (PBE) for student vaccinations in public schools. Independent study programs such as Pathways will still be allowed to enroll students with a personal belief exemption as long as they do not attend site classes. There is a current debate about the definition of a “site class” and whether it applies to students in independent study programs. The Department of Public Health is expected to clarify their position on this issue, but has not yet done so. Until that time, some independent study schools are taking the position that the definition does not apply to them. Pathways staff has engaged in spirited debate about whether or not to also exploit this grey area by continuing to allow students with PBEs to attend site classes.
We have determined that our overriding concern is for the health and safety of our children. We know that the implementation of this law will draw more children into our program who will have PBEs. Increasing the percentage of unvaccinated students in our classes will place our students at an increased risk of exposure to disease. We are not willing to take this chance. Therefore, Pathways will abide by the spirit of the law and not allow students with PBEs to participate in site classes according to the phase-in of this law. Here are the details of this new law:
1. Students with personal belief exemptions will still be allowed to participate in our Independent Study program. They will still be able to enter our buildings to meet with ISTs, participate in one-on-one tutoring, etc. The only difference will be that students participating in our site classes will need to comply with the new vaccination requirements.
2. There will be no changes for students taking classes this Spring. The phase-in of the law does not begin until the next school year (2016-17)
3. Not everyone is affected at the same time. There are two trigger years where a PBE will no longer be allowed. These years are Kindergarten and grade seven. Until a student crosses one of these trigger years, their PBEs will still be valid. This is a very important point and needs to be repeated: Beginning next school year, anyone with a PBE will still be able to use it unless they move from the sixth to the seventh grade, or unless they enter as a Kinder. This means that anyone beyond the seventh grade next year can use their PBE until they graduate. Anyone in the lower grades can continue to use their PBE until they enter the seventh grade.
4. Anyone entering our school with a PBE dated prior to 1/1/16 can continue to use it according to number 3 above. PBEs are transferable from school to school, as long as they are dated prior to 1/1/16.
5. Students with medical exemptions will be allowed to participate in site classes.
6. Students with special needs will be able to attend site classes if it is stated in their I.E.P.s.